Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

WIPJam @ MWC App Planet - Agenda is up!

Mobile World Congress is coming up VERY soon!  Yikes.   It’s  time to go through the checklist:
- airfare booked - check
- room booked - check
- signed up for WIPJam - check!

Wait a minute….  are you telling me you you haven’t done any of these yet :-0

Well - you are in luck!  Because WIP is a Mobile World Congress App Planet Partner, it’s not too late to get yourself signed up and even get some good deals.

FIRST the travel

Hotel deals: MWC has identified several hotels in Barcelona that do not require a minimum stay. This is perfect for developers and guests that will only be attending  a specific App Developer Conference or a limited portion of the Congress.

Airfare deals: Save up to 30% on domestic and up to 20% on international travel to Barcelona between 10 February 2010 and 23 February 2010 with Spanair and the Star Alliance Network.

To take advantage go to:
UserName:  WIP
Password:  Developer

There are also lots of great apartments around to share.  We know a few folks who are looking for some roomies - let us know if you’d like to connect.

NOW for WIPJam and FREE Passes to MWC!

WIP has 200 Guest/Exhibit passes for entry to MWC2010, to give to eligible developers to attend(that’s a 599 Euro value).  What’s an eligible developer you ask? We will favor small companies, you must attend WIPJam, and you have to write something creative on the WIPJam registration page!

Why attend WIPJam?

Well - you wouldn’t ask that if you were a Jam veteran!  It’s a great place to learn about mobile development, participate in discussions to find out information really relevant to YOU, and to meet and connect with LOTS of people in the mobile developer ecosystem that can start making a difference in your business right way.

Check out the Agenda! Featuring:

1  WIP Buzz Session
2   UnPanels  - #1 Sticky and Spready Redux, #2 App Store Placement Optimization
8   Discussion Groups: Cross Platform Development, Merchandising your Application, Opportunities in Open Source, Mobile Web Development, Emerging Markets, Augmented Reality, Features and Enhancements for Addictive Apps and Getting Cool Content from the Cloud
1   Lunch
10+   Demos
200+   Jammers

Great sponsors like:

Qualcomm, Alcatel Lucent, Ericsson, Enough Software, MoSync, O2 Litmus, Perfecto Mobile, GetJar and Oracle.

And here are just some of the speakers:
Sean Galligan, Flurry
Mark Curtis, Flirtomatic
Francisco Kattan , Alcatel Lucent
Simon Davies,  Snaptu
Patrick Mork, Getjar
Deep Shah, Buzzd
Katie Lips, Kisky Netmedia
Robert Virkus, Enough Software
Eran Yaniv, Perfecto Mobile
Charles McLeod, MetaFlow
Matts Bergrund, Swirly Space
Tony Hartley, MoSync
Ofir Leitner, Mobile Monday Televiv
James Parton, O2 Litmus
Emmanuel Ekuwem, ATCON (Association of Telecom Companies of Nigeria)
Lester Madden, Augmented Planet
David Caabeiro, Sequence Point
Patrik Nordstrom, idevio
Scott Jensen, LegiTime
Raj Singh, Skyfire
Stephen Cull, Oracle

and of course Caroline Lewko (me) and Thibaut Rouffineau of WIP facilitating, ringing bike bells, cutting off any visible ties and making sure the developer voice is heard loud and clear!

More details to come as we wrap up sponsors and speakers!  See you soon.

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Open Innovation Gets a FAIL with Mobile Developers

Is Open Innovation Working?Put your money where your mouth is for open innovation.

I first wrote about the rise of ‘open’ and open innovation over 2 years ago (and one blog ago). The premise of Open Innovation is about dropping the mentality of ‘not invented here’; and to collaborate with outside partners. I said back in May 2007, “We are now entering the next phase of Open Innovation in the form of user input and the proliferation of communities. The challenge is how to identify the great opportunities and exploit them in a collaborative way.

We decided to benchmark Open Innovation to gauge if it is actually working for developers in our mobile and wireless community:

1. Open is Socially Acceptable = PASS

The term openness and the realization of collaborating with others is now mainstream. Even the big operators who had a tough time embracing it, and then implementing it are really starting to do a good job. A good example is the JIL initiative between Vodafone, Verizon, China Mobile and Softbank to create a platform for developers to initially distribute widgets between these operators.

2. Growth in Open Source = PASS (Conditional)
Open source along with being socially acceptable is truly seeing some great strides. The LIMO Foundation has launched their first device, Symbian has turned into an open source foundation, and even Google has since launched the Open Mobile Alliance and Android.  I give this a conditional pass, as there is still controversy with these initiatives as to how ‘open’ they actually are – time will tell.

3. Open APIs = PASS (and then some)
This is one area that I certainly didn’t predict would grow as large and fast as it has. It’s not just the APIs of our operators, and platforms; but the  proliferation of open APIs from most large software platforms like Facebook and Twitter, and many smaller ones as well – all looking to capitalize on the creativity of 3rd party mobile developers to grow the usage of their platforms and tools. It’s no wonder firms like Mashery, who provide the technical know-how to open the APIs, are seeing great success.

4. Creation and Rise of App Stores = PASS (Conditional)
Open Innovation has definitely given rise to the era of App Stores. The big companies are pushing innovation down the value chain and providing opportunities for the smaller companies to have a smoother path to market. The competition with App Stores has increased revenue share for developers, and the number of options go to market opportunities available. We are very pleased to see this happening, but there is still much work to be done on the submission process, discoverability, and billing to make it really pay off for developers.

5. Rise in Developer / Partner Programs = Pass (Conditional)
As open innovation demands the need to play nice with other companies, the need to provide programs to work with developers and partners has risen exponentially. We applaud those who have put programs in place – it’s an imperative. However, I don’t think that enough thought or resources go into most programs. As you push the cost of innovation down the value chain, you can’t expect the 3rd parties to bear the brunt of the technical/resource costs of creation and also try to sort out how to access your open door and interpret your rules.  You’ve got to play nice too.

6. Rise in Developers = PASS
Rise in Developers Making Money = FAIL

I predicted the rise in developers along while ago, which in part led to founding of WIP.  Since then, we have continued to see a rise in numbers of developers and types of developers (traditional and now more content/web developers joining the party). This is due to all the above points; and of course the rise in acceptance of mobility by the general public (about time! from those of us that drank the koolaid over a decade ago).

Certainly there are more opportunities now for developers of all types to innovate and find paths to market. As well there are many developers that do have a revenue stream. For these reasons we give Open Innovation a big PASS.

However, for developers’ own ROI we still give Open Innovation a FAIL for the following reason: the risk and inherent cost of innovation is being pushed down the value chain to the group that can least afford it. The mobile and wireless industry is a trillion dollar industry, one of the largest in history and the world. The operators and the OEMs are making very hefty returns. But it is very much a have/have not world. Developers still struggle to make sustainable revenue and secure investment.

We think there are ways for the developers programs to mitigate risk and increase opportunities for the dev program and developers alike as follows:

  • Sharing of more subscriber information with developers so they don’t have to guess if their applications are working or where the best opportunities are.
  • Stop charging developers to participate in your programs or conferences. It is already costly for them to travel to these events. As well, it is not a wise practice for developers to be exclusive, so you are not the only event for them to attend.
  • Engage and pay for co-creation of new applications and platforms.
  • Additional marketing/go to market advice for developers.
  • Create more variable revenue share  models based on developer participation and your additional value to promoting their applications (just creating a store front may not be worth 30%).

What did we miss?

WIP looks forward to working with the mobile developer community for better opportunities; and we look forward to your comments!

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Eclipse + mobile = PULSAR

Open source foundations are interesting organisms… they tend to blossom and conference in Autumn. In the last 3 weeks Apache, Eclipse and Symbian have all held their major yearly conferences, namely ‘con , summit Europe and Exhibition and Exchange. Leaving any open source follower with no option but to only taste one flavour of open source.

So… no Eclipse Summit for me this year, none of the Stammtisch fun, no occasion to hear and see Microsoft announcing support for Eclipse development in Azure, making a unprecedented move in open source and non .NET land.

No Eclipse Summit but  I had to make up for it by publishing our thoughts following a discussion with Ian Skerrett, Director of Marketing at Eclipse Foundation while at CTIA Fall around Eclipse’s initiatives in the mobile space.

Talking about Eclipse in mobile is rather paradoxical.  You can’t go to a proper mobile developer event without seeing someone flash it at a time (OK maybe at an iPhone or a Qt conference), when you see it you’re pretty happy “cause there’s gonna be code” , but you won’t spend much time talking about it… The uncomfortable friend in a way.

But the fact is that today Eclipse is everywhere in the new “mobile development” paradigm, from the hard core embedded engineers to the web kids.  Rare are the mobile platforms that cannot be targeted coding within Eclipse : Java, Flash, iPhone, Android, Qt, Palm , Blackberry, widgets … you name it! So isn’t it time that Eclipse becomes a bit more of a comfortable friend in the mobile discussion?

I have been saying so for a while (acknowledging my bias), and here is why… Traditionally mobile tools have focused on two strategies, either be an integral part of the “mobile platform” (aka tools + SDK + OS + phone = 1 vendor) or attack fragmentation (aka limit the fragmentation of the competing platforms 1 tool vendor = multiple device vendors). The results of this… “surprise surprise” is that the mobile tools space looks more fragmented than the mobile platform space. Furthermore a majority of the tools have focused on integration of the tool chain(s) over the years rather than focusing on simplifying and integrating the various tasks that constitute the development process (re-factoring, unit testing, instrumentation, performance management, debugging).  As a consequence.. most developers are stuck with poorly scalable tools and tool vendors have little to no interest in investing as their ability to target a large enough numbers of developer is restricted.

What Eclipse meant originally was simple. For tools vendors, open source code  means tools are cheaper to produce as they can focus on differentiators. For developers life is simpler, download vanilla Eclipse from then go shopping for ten different plugins I need to integrate in my company’s practice, to work on a specific project, to fit my personal habits! Easy!! But not so true in mobile as platform vendors continued to take the approach of bundling the whole platform, branching bits and bobs and basically creating silos of their own.

PulsarBut with open source rhyming with mobile these days, we were bound to see the industry tackling the issue! So here comes Pulsar!

  • A group of Eclipse member companies including Nokia, Motorola, Microsoft, Sony Ericsson, Ericsson committed to working on tools integration and
  • A flexible Eclipse distribution that allows mobile developers an easy access to a multi-vendor development environment, easy!

Pulsar has now been in existence for 6 months and so far has been mainly focused on Java development, but the future looks bright for Pulsar!

  • Mobile web development is definitely on the roadmap reflecting the number of solutions in the market today phonegap, BONDI, Palm. All showing Eclipse’s strength in css, php and javascript
  • Android
  • Symbian and Qt

So we look forward to a follow up discussion with Ian on the subject!

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Sticky or Spready and other hot mobile developer topics from CTIA

Sticky or Spready?

Sticky or Spready?

Sticky or Spready? Which would you choose? That was the premise for our hot UnPanel on mobile analytics at the WIPJam session at CTIA in San Diego on October 8, 2009.

The winner? Sticky, which measures the user engagement and satisfaction with a mobile application, was chosen by all three UnPanelists - Sean Galligan of Flurry, Jeff Wender of Nielsen and Mark Donovan of ComScore. My co-facilitator Seamus McAteer of Majestic Research agreed. The reason being you want an application to stick, for someone to want it, use it, and more importantly – pay for it!

Now that’s not to say that being spready (hey, it was a Jam session) or viral isn’t important. And a viral campaign is certainly needed to spread the word in a mobile marketplace that is getting increasingly noisy. But app developers need to first develop an application to meet a market demand (not a new story, but one worth repeating!)

The next question then was – how do you measure the sticky or spready success of your application? The UnPanelists and Jammers offered a number of market level and ‘in-app’ metrics as follows:

Market Level Metrics which tend to be more costly to track down include:

  • Audience size
  • Types of phones
  • Demographics
  • Preferences

In-App Metrics to track include:

  • Revenue tracking
  • Comparative value
  • Volume
  • Technology
  • Customer features such as page views, event tracking and navigation.
  • Usage metrics such as:User
    Session length

What did we miss? - add your comments.There was also some discussion from some of the big companies about providing some info to WIP to share with developers…..  Apply some pressure so it happens - keep asking them for it!

Cross media analytics are when both market level and in-app metrics are used together.

Flurry is becoming a key player in this space offering the first free, cross-platform service to provide developers with detailed analytics about how, when, where and by whom their mobile applications are being used. Their customers are getting great insight into how customers are using their applications – often in ways never expected. Flurry recently announced a partnership with T-Mobile USA who is offering the Flurry analytics tool to their developers (another WIPJam introduction!)

Darius Gandhi and colleague from HipVoice with Caroline Lewko of WIP

Darius Gandhi and colleague from HipVoice winner of the ATT Award with Caroline Lewko of WIP

In other exciting news from CTIA – congratulations to HipVoice, with their push-to-talk software solution, who were winners of the AT&T Fast Pitch Platinum Awards in the Enterprise category.  Check out the great video of the awards here. When we met Darius Gandhi of HipVoice (see photo) at our WIPJam session at CTIA in Las Vegas earlier this year, we knew he and his company were winners so we did what we had to do. We introduced HipVoice to Ed Schmidt from AT&T Dev Central and also got Darius to lead a Discussion Session at WIPJam!

The last interesting tidbit from WIPJam came during our opening UnPanel on Going Global, with a comment by Tim Chang of Norwest Ventures partners who let us know that VCs aren’t interested in companies whose sole revenue model is based on mobile advertising, the reach just isn’t there yet.

To all our UnPanelists, Discussion Leaders and YOU our attendees - thanks for Jam’n with WIP.

And thanks to our great sponsors:  Qualcomm, Sony Ericsson, BlackBerry, AT&T Dev Central, Eclipse-Pulsar, Mobile Socery and Forum Nokia.

Here are a few more photos:

Bill Maggs from Sony Ericsson leads Discussion group on Cross Platform developmentJam'n in San DiegoWIPJam SD8

WIPJam SD7WIPJam SD6Lisa Whelan Discussion Leader

Sean McAteer at WIPJam SDWIPJam SD5WIPJam SD4


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The ideal appstore

The theme at  Over the Air 2009 for WIP this year was Appstores, to accompany the launch of the Appstore inventory wiki.

Caroline opened the event with a keynote on titled “It’s raining appstores”, where she went through the characteristics of various appstores and discussed revenue making strategies in this increasingly complex world.

On the second day I organized a quick session ” Draw me your ideal appstore”

Despite the lack of sleep and thanks to the famous Kit-Kat/Snickers/Twix combination we ended up with a rather interesting ideal appstore!

Thanks to Rafe, Andrew, Chris and ??? for their great participation!

The Ideal appstore (click to zoom)

The Ideal appstore (click to zoom)

Of course it might look a idealist, abstract, gibberish if you come fresh at it. So here are a few directions of reflexions that we explored and on which we would most welcome your opinions:

  • Blackbox appstores are inefficient for developers: companies of 20 people now have to dedicated 1 person to do appstore certification and placement!
  • Monopoly in distribution is inefficient for  end users as recommendations’ lack trusted peer approval
  • Download only appstore limit developers’ ability to create a trusted brand and a relations directly with end-users
  • Absence of consumer usage and socio demographic data for developers leads them to produce cul-de-sac products
  • Monolithic approach to pricing and apps bundling limits the ability to be innovative in these fields

The good news is, appstore providers are listening and constantly improving their offerings ,so let them know your thoughts; online at : Appstore inventory wiki or at the Appstore discussion group at WIPJam  @ CTIA or ITU Telecom World.

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Carnival of Mobilists #192

A veteran of the Carnival of the Mobilists, C. Enrique Ortiz of About Mobility hosts #192. He reviews many great entries from mobile bloggers. He has included our WIPJam post by a guest Mitch Oliver, vice president of ecosystem development for Qualcomm. Here Mitch writes You’re on an app store; now what? - a good background on App Stores, current issues, scenarios and thoughts. Qualcomm is a Developer’s Choice sponsor of our WIPJam @ CTIA on October 8, 2009.

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Carnival of Mobilists #190 – Check out the Weekly Review of Mobile Blogs

I was reminded about the birth of the Mobilists this week due to an inquiry from a new participant, who I passed along to Judy Breck the Volunteer Coordinator who said: 

“Carnival of the Mobilists is an informal project among people who blog about mobile. It was started over 3 years ago by Russell Buckley. I am the volunteer coordinator. This is the About page on the Carnival website:

As the page says: “Send your entry to: [email protected]. All participants writing about mobile are welcome - you don’t need a special invitation.”

So there’s the key – Anyone who writes/blogs about anything mobile are welcome.  So what are you waiting for?  It’s a great way to get your site and your ideas in front of an expanded crowd.  I have to say, the submissions this week were initally light – not in terms of content – but in numbers. So I pinged and tweeted a few friends, who kindly whipped their submissions quickly into shape. 

Here’s a challenge for next week Carnival # 191– Anyone submitting their blog, has to bring a new blogger along with them.



On to this week’s submissions:

Erique Ortiz pulled through with a late entry, that was worth the wait!  An indepth analysis of the Google App Market.

If you are interested in Mobile Learning – scoot yourself over to Mark van Hooft’s Site – Ubiquitous Thoughts.   Mark has a Carnival-like posting on what happened in mobile learning over the summer including links to resources and news items.

Tam Hanna at Tams Jungle, presents an interview with Berthold Thomas, the CEO of Huchison Austria.  Really interesting insight into Thomas’ predictions for Apple, Nokia and Microsoft, while giving us a flavour of the mobile growth in Austria.  I wonder how that market translates into others?

Over at GoldenSwamp, our fearless Mobilists Coordinator, Judy Breck, has a great way of analyzing the social impact of mobility.  This week she tackles school kids censorship amidst the turmoil about whether President Obama’s speech to school kids on Tuesday should be heard by them. And as Judy says:  Yet any kid at school with a smartphone can browse to the White House website to watch and listen

In Does Seth the blogger man have a valid point to make? Ajit Jaokar questions ATT’s  human(oid) blogger guy called Seth Bloom and how Peak Rate issues are being experienced and handled.  Those of us attending events like MWC and CTIA experience peek rate issues all the time.

Who and how to target mobile users is a struggle for all mobile developers. In part gaining access to statistics is part of the challenge, as then allowing for skews in data.  Tom from Masabi offers an article on Hacking Admob Handset Statistics to generate a profile of handset manufacturer priorities to support if you want to reach current mobile web users, which he says is a useful proxy for early adopters for networked applications as well.

Our perennial favorite blogger, Andrew Grill, touts a newly launched on-line magazine called Point Zero, covering social, mobile & enterprise launches.

Our resident Mobile Develop Activist at WIP, Thibaut Rouffineau, provides us a piece on some mobile hot topics including openness, netbooks and writing apps for smartphones.

The Winner this week is……. (drum roll) a tie.  Both have very thoughtful pieces, where an obvious amount of work has gone into them.

  • Tom from Masabi for his great insight and analytical skills in reviewing handset statistics.
  • Enrique Ortiz for this analysis of the Google App stgore.

Don’t forget to sign up for our upcoming WIPJAM sessions, the UnConference for Mobile developers where we are serious about No Panels, No PPT and No Ties!  We always make sure our Jams our Free for Developers.

Summer is behind us and we step up the pace for the continued excitement and constant change and amazement in the mobile and wireless industry.  GiddyYup!!!

on-vacation-pinkAnd once this is posted, I am officially on vacation for a week.  Yeah!

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Counting the days

With only 10 days to go before the WIPJam at OSIM I’m all too busy polishing my best trainers for the event to think about anything else… but making sure that the event will be as interesting and entertaining as possible to all! Call it the stress of the organizer… So in need for reassurance I gathered a few of the hot topics of mobile development today that should spice up our conversation.

Open is the new closed writes Andreas Constantinou  from VisionMobile hi-lighting the fact that nowadays everyone claims to be open if not open source. But then adds that we’d better become informed shopper when it comes to openness and stop believing the “Wash whiter than snow” blanket statements coming from various open source and open projects in mobile.  This is just what our first unpanel will set-out to do! With 4 representatives from various  projects, Symbian Foundation, Access for Limo, Eclipse Foundation, and Motorola for OHA, joined by an operator (Eplus) and a long time open sourcer David Axmark (Founder of MySQL) we should be able to cover the entire spectrum of governance…

Why care you might ask? Governance is boring, administrative stuff and in the end they ‘re all the same… Or almost… (vote here for the best open source license for example)

My answer to this would be rather simple… governance will impact everything you can or can’t do in and around a platform… from annihilating your business model to blocking your product’s route to market (thinking a bit negative here)… ever tried to become a member of OHA or submit a code fix to Android to set-up an Android distro? Still waiting for the outcome of a JCP for APIs you need to launch your app across multiple phones? Still battling to get your apps through the Appstore or through an operator?  Looking forward to put your hands on the Limo or Symbian code? All points that we can take with our panel of experts…

24% of mobile developers have started to write apps for netbooks according to EDC and will definitely check this with our participants. Thanks to Intel we will have a truckload (or so) of netbooks in demonstration at the device bar… and a great discussion group on the subject of netbooks and new devices… what could we make of them?  What do they change to development patterns?

And if these 24% are correct, what I’m even more excited to find out are the motivations behind this move? Are these Windows Mobile developers scaling up to larger screens and hopefully larger volumes or Linux mobile developers doing … well roughly the same thing, or whether there’s just no logic at all…

Developing for smartphone is like entering the Babel tower writes Paul Krill for Computer World stating that the large number of native runtime is a limitation to developers and stating that html 5 could hopefully be our saviour soon!

Fragmentation has been a statement of fact in the mobile development world for as long as one can remember, and the situation has only become worst with the rise of iPhone and Android. The resulting dilemma was all fairly well summed up by Mobile Sorcery in Total Telecom or as I heard at a recent mobile marketing seminar , “All big brand want an iPhone app as the key to their mobile marketing strategy until we tell them this is only 2% of the market, then starts the real discussion”. Which makes Caroline’s platform choice panel part of OSIM and discussion group on platform  choices particularly timely, or if you’d rather talk to the protagonist of the article directly anyone from Eclipse, Motorola, Limo will be present.

Seeing html5 as the new saviour of mobile fragmentation though is pretty new. Anyone looking at the vast numbers of browsers, widget frameworks, web API initiatives could certainly ask whether we’re not heading towards yet more fragmentation. The usual explanation by those involved telling me html5 is a standard and we need to wait for it to be ratified to see  unity. I’ll be waiting then… but only until we hear what our unpanel has to say on the subject with W3C, Bondi, Vodafone, Siruna giving us their thoughts on the all-web future of mobile development.

If this has tickled your curiosity,  you can now register or start posting questions you would like to debate! The comments on this page are made for this!

See you in Amsterdam! and remember it’s free to attend for developers!



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Carnival of Mobilists #186

Carnival #186 at is a speed write from host Matt Radford that deftly touches important bases so you can jump to the week’s best mobile blogging. Check out Chetan Sharma’s latest US Wireless Data Market Update - Q2 2009. It’s crammed full of interesting analysis including the following: The App vs. Mobile Web discussion reached a surprisingly new crescendo. The evolution is pretty clear - for the applications that don’t require significant UI resources, it will be better to develop in for the browser, for intensive games, the native platform will be ahead of the browser advances. The location API access on the iPhone browser is breakthrough to have developers start thinking about the webapps.

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WIP Opportunities @ CTIA

Be Scene @ CTIA

Great news for WIP members! Here are 3 ways to get involved with WIP @ CTIA in San Diego, CA. (Not a WIP member? Register here!)

1. Developer Pavilion at CTIA
Wednesday, October 7 - Friday, October 9, 2009
Fully pimped out booth (5′ x 10′ for $2,000.00) and valuable extras
Deadline August 7 for full benefits!

2. Pepcom - Mobilefocus@CTIA WIRELESS IT&E 2009
October 7, 2009; 7:00 - 10:00 pm
At the Omni in San Diego
20% WIP Member Discount

Thursday October 8, 2009
Don’t forget to sign up to Jam with us!

Here is more information on these great opportunities!
Developer Pavilion at CTIA
Wednesday, October 7 - Friday, October 9, 2009

Become an exhibitor at the CTIA Wireless IT & Entertainment Show with us!
We’ve secured a great rate and valuable extras for WIP members and partners at the Developer Pavilion. Fully pimped out booths are available in 2 sizes:
• 5’ x 10’ booth for $2,000.00 USD
• 10’ x 10’ booth for $3,800.00USD

All booths include:

• 2 chairs
• table (3′ for 5′x10′ booth, 6′ for 10′x10′ booth)
• Electricity (5 amps)
• 5 exhibitor passes to the keynotes and onto the exhibit show floor
• guest passes for customers
• 50 word company description in both the show guide pavilion section as well
as in the regular exhibitor listings. (deadline Aug 7)
• company listing in the cross reference section of the show guide(deadline Aug 7)
• sign identifying each exhibitor hung from the back wall drape
• opportunity to provide a logo to be placed above the company description in
the pavilion section of the show guide. (deadline Aug 7)

WIP is also going to provide a WIP Developer Pavilion Show guide, along with marketing and promotion for the exhibitors before and during the show.

Next Steps:
Go to the Pavilion web page for contracts and registration.
Contact us if you have any questions or require further information.
The deadline is fast approaching so act now!

Pepcom - Mobilefocus@CTIA WIRELESS IT&E 2009

October 7, 2009; 7:00 – 10:00 pm
At the Omni in San Diego
20% WIP Member Discount

MobileFocus is the #1 mobile and wireless press showcase event - held at both CTIA conferences and at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. Pepcom is offering a 20% discount on the price of a table to any WIP member company that has not previously done a Pepcom event. There will be special signage to identity APP developers at the event! MobileFocus is a great opportunity to demo your products and services to a huge press audience. To take advantage of this great offer, please contact Jon Pepper (jon at pepcom dot com) and mention the “WIP” offer. Space is limited so act fast.


Please register for this popular “Day for Developers”. We have now held WIPJams, miniJams and Jam Receptions on four continents! Jam On!

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